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Kelly Has A Secretthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:adultery, 19868 words)

Author: Jane C.
Added: Nov 30 2003Views / Reads: 4867 / 3555 [73%]Story vote: 9.43 (7 votes)
Join Kelly as she takes a trip through her sexual past. Find out why she is so compelled to cheat on her husband.

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I looked over Darryl's sleeping face, still marveling at the sex we had just enjoyed. I'm quite sure I have never experienced a lover quite like him. The only reason he was sleeping now was that I had finally begged him to stop. We had been going at it for well over three hours. Just how sated can a gal get? Still, I'm sure we could have gone on for a while longer. Goodness only knows some of the marathon sessions Darryl had taken me on in the past. But I also knew that after a few hours sleep he was likely to wake up erect and ready to go another round. I guess you could say I had learned from experience. Best to end things a little early in order to be completely ready to go again a few hours down the road.

Though tired, I was having some problems falling asleep. But this was usually the case after sex - especially great sex. I always need a little time to settle down. I turned away from Darryl and flipped over to my other side. Part of me wanted to stay propped over Darryl, examining and wondering over his sleeping face. But I was determined to get at least a few hours rest. Lost in these thoughts I was a little startled to see my husband lying on the floor next to the bed. I had almost forgot that he was there. Oh, I was aware of his presence when Darryl and I had started. In fact I was very aware of his presence. But at some point in the evening I had forgotten about Roger altogether. Though dark, I could see that he too was still awake.

He whispered up to me, "Is he asleep?" ...

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