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Will you regret this?this story is part of the FanClub (fm:one-on-one, 2316 words) [1/3] show all parts

Author: RhythmicLover
Added: Dec 04 2003Views / Reads: 2328 / 1582 [68%]Part vote: 7.25 (4 votes)
Jennifer's feelings were never hidden, but when she got drunk at a work party, she opened the door to a totally different part of our relationship.

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It had been a long two years that I had known Jennifer. She was nice enough, but she was completely unattractive. I hate to say it, but it's true. Her face wasn't anything to get excited about, and she was heavy, like 200 pounds heavy. But, I didn't let that get in the way of her and I becoming good friends. It was obvious to everyone that knew us that Jennifer wanted to be more than good friends, but you can call me a jerk if you want, but I wasn't about to date a 200-pounder.

There were other issues that kept me from pursuing Jennifer, like her drinking problem. When she went out, she would drink until she was wasted. She never drank unless she went out, but to me, that was a very unattractive quality, and I told her as much. She wasn't really phased by me telling her that, she said it was just a phase in life and that when she gets stressed-out she loses control.

Anyway, after two years of working together we knew each other well enough to know that we weren't going to change one another.

We both worked at a radio station which meant we were in public a lot. We often did remote broadcasts at various locations, but this night would be a little different, the whole station staff was going out to a bar/restaurant for a BIG party for the local Basketball team.

We got to the bar early and set-up our gear. I chatted with the bartender a bit and she told me that I would not be allowed to pay for ...

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