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Marythis story is part of the FanClub (fm:older women/men, 14785 words)

Author: Thesandman Picture in profile
Added: Dec 10 2003Views / Reads: 6413 / 5259 [82%]Story vote: 9.28 (18 votes)
A young mans horror turns into one of salvation through an older woman named, Mary.

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By: Thesandman

I knew something was wrong when the school counselor stepped into my classroom. I'd spoken with Mrs. Davis before when I found out I was eligible for a scholarship. Seeing her glance briefly in my direction, her look haunting when she did, just before approaching Mr. Benson, my social studies teacher. She whispered to him briefly in tones too low for anyone else to hear.

Mr. Benson's expression softened, further confirming that whatever news they were sharing, wasn't good. "Benson" as everyone called him was a no-nonsense kind of a teacher anyway. Seeing his expression, especially as he looked up in my direction said more than words ever could.

"Scott? You're needed in the counselor's office," he said almost apologetically.

Normally several snickers or jabs usually followed an announcement of this sort from fellow classmates. Eerily, it was as though everyone picked up that something was wrong. The fact that Mrs. Davis had come to get me herself, rather than sending a teachers aid along with a note to do it only emphasized the seriousness of the situation. ...

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