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The Conferencethis story is part of the FanClub (fm:sex at work, 4249 words)

Author: hard_hetro
Added: Jul 11 2000Views / Reads: 3783 / 3194 [84%]Story vote: 8.50 (2 votes)
A business conference at the Disneyland Hotel turns this night into the "sexiest place on earth!"

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<by hard_hetro>

I have always enjoyed overnight business trips but am not quite sure why. For some reason I enjoy spending the night in a hotel, eating dinner in a strange place, having a drink in a bar I do not know, and even using the tiny dwarf-like soaps and shampoo. For some people, being alone in a foreign environment is boring or even terrifying, not me. Thus, there was a bounce in my step as I parked my rental Camero, pulled out my travel bags, and entered the lobby.

To be honest, this conference was not going to be a terror for anyone. This conference was located at the Disney Conference Center and my room in the beautiful Disneyland Pacific Hotel. It is hard to be gloomy when you see Donald Duck in the wallpaper, Goofy on the valet's tie and Mickey Mouse in the carpet. I quickly registered and found my room on the 9th floor with a window looking towards the funpark.

After surveying the room, I found a radio station, and unpacked for my 2-night stay. I noticed a sushi bar downstairs, a lounge area with a big screen TV, several leather smoking chairs, tables and a California/Italian restaurant. The meetings started tomorrow morning @ 7 am, but tonight is mine...


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