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Amandathis story is part of the FanClub (fm:bondage, 17822 words) [2/4] show all parts

Author: evadare
Added: Jul 11 2000Views / Reads: 1112 / 939 [84%]Part vote: 8.00 (3 votes)
Continuing tale of Amanda, a switch in Domme training.

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Amanda looked up from her desk. She wore headphones as she typed out the reports for Ms. Kathleen and tended to block almost everything out around her. Mitchell stood at her open door, his mouth moving. She smiled and yanked the headphones off. "Sorry Mitchell, what's up?"

"Miss Amanda, I'm just about ready to pickup the new arrivals. Do you have anything on your ‘Get it' list?" Mitchell had originally been a tad jealous of the time Ms. Kathleen had spent with Amanda, but had finally come to realize it was another portion of her life entirely. The uneasy friendship had turned into admiration as more worries had been released from Ms. Kathleen and she was able to devote more time to what she wanted to do.

Amanda flipped through files on her desktop and clicked onto the List. This was her list of office supplies that needed to be replenished and she printed it out for Mitchell. "Are you going to stop by the Office Supplies store then?"

Mitchell looked the list over carefully. Miss Amanda was so precise with her needs, putting down exact model numbers of ink cartridges or poundage markings of paper, he always had no problem filling her order. "Yes, on the way to the airport. We will be coming straight back. It appears Ms. Kathleen has an interesting slave to train this time."

Amanda nodded. "I read the report on him. I can't imagine why Ms. ...

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