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With Neighbourthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:romantic, 3677 words)

Author: Anonymous
Added: Dec 26 2003Views / Reads: 7442 / 4525 [61%]Story vote: 5.67 (3 votes)
For cleaning my house i invite chetan, who is studying in college and staying as my neighbour.During the cleaning process Ohhhhhh great feeling just read it.

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Hi friends, once again thanks for you all for the suggestions and opinions that you given to me regarding the stories. Now I am feeling to express the story that I enjoy with my neighbor who is studying in the college and staying in a room. Once again, I need suggestions, and opinions from you to improve the stories and myself. Ok, I think that you would enjoy this story read in a cool mind and send me your opinion to me.

I am staying in a small house it has one bedroom, one hall, kitchen, bath and WC. During the working day I just clean the floor, I house is looking dusty preferably in the upper portion of the house so I planned to clean the whole house in the next day because that day is the holiday for office. After planning, I had a dinner and after reading, some magazine I slept usually I wear in the house nightgown at that day I wear pink color nightgown without bra. I getup late in the morning because of the holiday and after get fleshed I had a tea with a newspaper on the sofa. That is my usual practice. During that time, I am thinking about cleaning the house for me alone it is almost impossible to clean the entire house so I think of getting some one help for cleaning the house at that time I thought of Chetan, who is staying as my neighbor, staying in a room, and he is studying in the college. He is 5¡¦4¡¨ height; well build body because he always goes to the gym, wheatish color skin, and black hair, and 23 years old, smart looking guy. Therefore, I thought that it is the best idea to make use of his help for cleaning the house. Moreover, I know that he do not ...

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