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The Ya Ya Dildohood - Chapter Fivethis story is part of the FanClub (fm:older women/men, 15841 words) [5/9] show all parts

Author: Thesandman Picture in profile
Added: Dec 27 2003Views / Reads: 2852 / 2515 [88%]Part vote: 9.91 (11 votes)
Richard's adventure continues, meeting yet another new and exciting woman.

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The Ya Ya Dildohood - Chapter Five

By: Thesandman

I don't think I remember feeling better about myself, or my future than I did the day after my birthday. And though the evening I had spent with Maggie had perhaps been the best sex I had ever enjoyed in my entire life, I had to admit that it was seeing the look on my ex-wife's face that had been the icing on the cake for me.

Although Andrea and my mother hadn't been all that close even when we were married, I was a little nervous that she would rush back home, make a phone-call to her, just to try and recoup a little of her lost pride if nothing else. I hadn't heard anything either way for three days, and then decided to call home to speak with mom just in case. If mom had heard anything, she'd either give me an earful when I called, or refuse to speak to me entirely. I let out a collective sigh of relief a short time later when I hung up the phone after having talked spoken with her. Everything was fine, obviously Andrea hadn't chosen to take that avenue of revenge to get back at me, but I was still waiting for the other shoe to fall.

I had barely hung up the phone when it rang.

"Hello?" ...

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