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"What's your pleasure?" part 2this story is part of the FanClub (fm:sex at work, 2309 words) [2/3] show all parts

Author: Aries78
Added: Dec 28 2003Views / Reads: 1219 / 936 [77%]Part vote: 0.00 (0 votes)
Hunter gets Cassie prepared for a night with Jaden and himself. If I have enough feedback on this one to provide the creative inspiration, the 3rd part to follow can be explosive. :)

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Cassie's Friday appointment had finally come. She could barely stay focused at work, and other people had noticed. She jumped every time someone called out her name. Her boss, knowing Cassie had a massage appointment scheduled for later in the day, assumed that she was burning herself out and let her go for the rest of the day. In fact, she called the spa ahead of time and even threw in a hydrotherapy tub session on her. Cassie now had 3 hours to kill before she went into the tub and leapt onto Hunter... or Jaden.

Hunter was having a hard time with work too. Every time he oiled up another client he thought of how in a matter of hours he would be doing the same thing to Cassie. He knew she would be coming in early now. He had made up his mind to refrain from doing anything while at work. He nearly talked himself out of that decision time and time again. The thought of her velvety wet hole squeezing around him and pushing him to near madness was nearly enough to get him stroking in front of one of clients. He had decided to drive to the brink of orgasm instead to get her ready for an evening with Jaden. Thank goodness Jaden had literally jumped on him with the idea.

Jaden himself was ready for a rather randy night. It had been quite some time since he had been with a woman, but he could still remember the feeling and the sounds. He very often found himself drifting off into a daydream while trying to type up a report for his boss. It was a good thing that he always proofread what he wrote before sending it ...

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