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That Night Part 3this story is part of the FanClub (fm:romantic, 6285 words) [2/2] show all parts

Author: Elven Demoness
Added: Dec 29 2003Views / Reads: 240 / 154 [64%]Part vote: 0.00 (0 votes)
This is a continuation to my story but it skips a chapter because i couldnt get it posted. This is the story of how my charries met and how their love progressed. Enjoy and Comment on it please!! good or bad all is accepted.

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The night drifted into morning in what seemed to be minutes in my opinion. I woke up still in my beloved arms, his arms still gripping tightly onto my being, as the sun's first rays of light hit my eyes. I began to stir from my sleep, as I slowly opened my eyes. My brownish orbs peering over to him, as I slowly moved his arms aside, but soon I felt his arms come around me once again, "Good morning my Beautiful Slave." I turned myself over to look him in the eyes and smile at him,"Good morning my Handsome Master," my lips came to touch his as I once again moved his arms aside. "Where are you going?"

"Well, I was going to make you some breakfast and get ready for work," He brought his hand to grip onto mine as he pulled me closer to him, "Cant we just stay in bed all day." I gave a slight laugh, he almost sounded like he was begging, "I'm sorry, but I need to work, we have a big meeting with one of our clients," I kissed his lips once again as he let me go and I got up, going downstairs. I soon felt him following me, we were both naked because we lived together, and there was no need to hide our bodies from each other, I mean we were lovers and it's not like we hadn't seen each other naked before. He and I had been living together for almost three years by now. We were both very close friends before we became lovers. We had met online and had talked to each other for a year and a number of months before we actually met on the "outside." It was actually very weird when we first met; I met up with him at the airport I had his picture with me to make sure I knew who I was looking for. I stood by the gate where his airplane was meant to ...

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