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Tender and Tautthis story is part of the FanClub (ff:anal sex, 5984 words)

Author: Karen
Added: Dec 31 2003Views / Reads: 6128 / 5429 [89%]Story vote: 8.82 (11 votes)
Laura, married and curious about anal sex, enlists the help of her friend Nicole, also married, to instruct her in the ways of butt pleasure. It starts innocently with an enema, but then progresses once in the bedroom.

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"Nicole, would you want to teach me about that anal—stuff—now?"

A short laugh escaped from Nicole's lips which she quickly stifled, and then replied, "Sorry, Laura. I wasn't expecting that. Ummm, sure, we could do that."

"I mean if you don't mind. I've kind of been obsessing about it."

"Okay, let's see." Nicole emptied her glass with one large mouthful. "Let's go into the bathroom."

In the bathroom, Nicole asked her friend to take off her jeans, panties and shoes. It was an average size bathroom that had the unmistakable signs of a woman's touch. It was covered in baby blue thick rugs, with baskets of potpourri and assorted soaps stuffed into every cranny. Candles lined the tub, and two Monet prints adorned the walls. Nicole wanted it to be warm, soft and especially clean, so she cleaned it from top to bottom every Saturday.

As Laura scooted out of her crisp jeans, Nicole rummaged through a cupboard under the sink. When her hands emerged with a Fleet enema twin pack, Laura was dropping her cotton, bikini panties on top of her red Rockport's. Feeling uncomfortable, Laura grabbed the carton from Nicole and sat down on the fur covered toilet lid. She was reading the instructions. Nicole removed one of the bottles from the carton and ...

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