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Backstage Passthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:group, 3135 words)

Author: Mag58 Picture in profile
Added: Jan 04 2004Views / Reads: 5817 / 5004 [86%]Story vote: 8.90 (10 votes)
Four 18 year old students get invited backstage to meet the band.

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"Thanks very much! Now.......Pretty boys with BIG GUITARS!" Mac, the singer, screamed into the microphone. "Aaaaaaaaaaagggggghhhhhhhhhh!" we roared as the first thunderous chords blasted into the hall. As one, hundreds of people jumped up and down, pogoing and punching the air as we shouted the chorus back at the band on stage.

Four feet from me Emma was hanging over the rails, of the mosh pit, trying to get Mac's attention. Without any warning she lifted her T-shirt and flashed her tits at him. He took notice now! In seconds he was on his knees serenading her. "Thank you!" he hollered to the crowd when the song ended, "Especially you!" he pointed at her, "Especially you." The crowd roared their appreciation, again.

By now the four of us, Emma, Sally, Chrissie and me (Lauren) were bouncing in time to the next song. "I can't believe you flashed your tits at him!" I shouted into Emma's ear. She just grinned, shrugged her shoulders and shook them at me. As the last song began, one of the bouncers shuffled along the mosh pit, obviously looking for someone.

"You! Blondie! " He shouted, pointing at Emma. She forced her body between a couple of guys hanging onto the railings. The guy was shouting into her ear. Emma turned around to look at us. Then back to the bouncer, waving four fingers in his face. He did the same for ...

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