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The Loversthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:adultery, 4413 words) [1/2] show all parts

Author: Vikki
Added: Jul 13 2000Views / Reads: 3890 / 2597 [67%]Part vote: 9.25 (4 votes)
Can they drive each other crazy without actually crossing the line into adultery? A couple explores heavy sensuality, teasing, and the threat of having their "secret" discovered...

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The Gift: Part One of "The Lovers"

© 1999 Vikki McKay


Your voice came through the phone at me and touched me like a lover. "I've left something special for you in your desk drawer - a little gift."

I never intended to have an affair. It was never my intention at all. But here I was, a married woman, being unfaithful to my husband in spirit, at least. I couldn't help it. Even being in the same room with you started a throbbing I could feel low in my body, a kind of pulsating ache that made me want to squirm and blush and... You'd always had this effect on me, but even more so in the past few months. And when you began to take notice of the things you do to me, you started responding. God. You started calling me at odd hours during the work day, murmuring dangerously sexy things in my ear, telling me just how many ways there were to touch a woman, and how many of them you imagined doing with me... There were days when I would soak my panties through just talking with you at work.

We hadn't touched. Not yet. I didn't know if I could handle the guilt. However, I was starting to wonder if I could handle the hot, wet ...

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