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The Ya Ya Dildohood - Chapter Ninethis story is part of the FanClub (fm:older women/men, 8966 words) [9/9] show all parts

Author: Thesandman Picture in profile
Added: Jan 06 2004Views / Reads: 1893 / 1687 [89%]Part vote: 9.75 (12 votes)
Richard is ambushed by his ex-wife, but Maggie and the rest of the Ya Ya Dildohood come to his rescue!

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The Ya Ya Dildohood - Chapter Nine

By: Thesandman

I arrived home, immediately pouring myself a stiff scotch. I paced nervously, periodically glancing out of the window. I could only imagine what was happening to Andrea.

Nearly two hours had passed since I had left the restaurant. The scotch was beginning to have an affect on me dulling my thoughts, muddling my ability to think about what had happened let alone anything else.

"Time to take a nice long, cold shower." I thought to myself, heading upstairs to the bathroom in order to do just that.

I began to discard my clothing the moment I entered the bedroom. Kicking my shoes off which flew in differing directions, I dropped my pants, literally tearing off my shirt and tie simultaneously. By the time I'd reached the bathroom, it looked like a small tornado had swept through my room.

Bracing my hands against the cold tile of the stall, I stuck my head beneath the cold running water hoping to wash away the cobwebs that now adhered to the jumble of thoughts that fought for their rights to be heard. ...

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