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My First "real" Blow Jobthis story is part of the FanClub (mm:interracial, 1772 words)

Author: Brad S.
Added: Jan 07 2004Views / Reads: 5026 / 4244 [84%]Story vote: 8.00 (5 votes)
My age in this story has changed to fit the rules of this site. This actually did happen to me and I try to stay as true to the story as possible. This is the first time I let a guy suck off my big cock and it was my high school football coach.

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It was the third football practice of my junior season when I had the most unusual "homoerotic" experience. I was a second string defensive back, about 5'6" 140 lbs but fast, especially for a white kid. Anyway, through practice I kept catching the linebacker coach, Coach Stewart, staring at me. He was a large black man, maybe 6'3" 250 lbs. I was nervous but excited, I thought that he may be able to help me get a starting job so I performed drills and laps with extra effort.

While we ran into the locker room Coach Stewart asked me to wait back and help him collect the footballs. I did as I was told.

"You're pretty fast," he said with a smile.

"I'm nothing like Ty but I know football, I'd really like a chance to start!" I replied. "Any help with Coach Foster and I'd be very grateful!"

"I think that can be arranged," Coach Stewart said with a smile staring at my crotch. It made me a little uneasy but didn't really know what to think.

As we walked into the locker-room the other players were filing out. It was hell week and the last of summer vacation so everyone tried to get out of practice as early as possible, including the coaches.


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