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Pleasures on the Beachthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:one-on-one, 3537 words)

Author: Lady Wolfe
Added: Jan 12 2004Views / Reads: 1836 / 1484 [81%]Story vote: 10.00 (1 vote)
Can things in life that we think are dreams,actually be reality??

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Sighing softly to herself as she stared blankly out the window,Sarah thought how wonderful it would be to be able to just pack her paperwork up she had for the day and head off to the beach instead

Even though it was only the beginning of June,the midwest was getting hit with a nice little warm spell ...Here it was,only midmorning and the temperatures were already in the low 90's..Even though her office was air conditioned,she could see how the people outside,walking past her window were affected by this heat wave...

Deciding not to let a perfect day like this pass her by,Sarah called her receptionist into her office and told her she was beginning to feel a little ill and was taking the day off..To cancel her appointments for the rest of the day and tell them she would be back in the office tomorrow..

As she was talking,she was packing the paperwork into her briefcase and out the door she went,yelling back over her shoulder letting the receptionist know that she could lock up and go home early and not to worry about it because she would be getting paid for a full day..

Sarah stopped by her apartment just long enough to change clothes..Her emerald green bikini beneath a black cover up shirt,slip on sandals adorning her feet,and back out the door she went..Not wanting to waste another minute fiddling around ..She wanted to be out at the ...

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