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Four Becomes Two Pt. 2this story is part of the FanClub (fm:romantic, 1766 words) [2/30] show all parts

Author: Jay Love
Added: Jan 21 2004Views / Reads: 977 / 733 [75%]Part vote: 8.00 (2 votes)
Greg and Dave get closer

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Four Becomes Two

This is the ultimate story of two men, Dave and Greg. Two men who discover a passion for each other, despite their current heterosexual relationships. If you find a story involving same sex partners not to your liking, or if you are not of legal age in the area in which you reside, please leave now. If this is what you're looking for in entertainment, please enjoy. Remember, the characters and situations are alive only in my imagination, and any resemblance to any person, living or dead, is totally coincidental.

Heterosexual sex. Yuk! But it worked for my mom and dad, as it did for yours. There's more, but I promise, the good stuff is coming soon. Bear with me.

That's why I am releasing these chapters in sets of twos. Hope it gets your libido pumping faster.

And as always, this author craves feedback. Criticism only makes me a better writer. Please respond to Jaylovenj@comcast.net. I look forward to hearing from you.

Four Becomes Two: Chapter 2

Greg is a likable fellow, and I find myself drawn to him. I learn that ...

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