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Pirate Plunder- Chapter 5this story is part of the FanClub (mm:domination, 4447 words) [5/5] show all parts

Author: Hobieman
Added: Jan 21 2004Views / Reads: 793 / 565 [71%]Part vote: 7.00 (1 vote)
Mina takes her meal with Israel and joins the mutiny.

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Chapter 5

The Captain burst into an activity after our frenetic coupling. He had quite decided on the idea that I would be his spy in the mutineers' camp. How I was to accomplish this was left very open and he counted on me using Israels attraction for my body as leverage to ingratiate myself with those he called the "ungrateful rabble". Again how I managed this was left to me to discover but I shuddered at the apparent possibilities that this left open.

Even more frightening was the possibility of the mutineers discovering my treachery. My life would be immediately forfeit and if I were lucky they would allow me a quick and painless death. I did not think that they would allow me that much kindness and thoughts of torture remained in the back of my head.

The Captain gave me clear instructions however on what I was to garner from my encounters with the mutinous crew members. He needed to know the exact number of crewmen involved and who they were if possible. More importantly I needed to find out who the ringleaders were and how much of a threat they posed to the safety of the ship. I needed to discover if they had weapons and if so how many and of what type. Most important of all I needed to find out how soon they intended to strike, and how they planned to carry out their evil plottings. All information that anyone in the crew would have trouble gathering if they were not ...

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