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Valerie Valentinethis story is part of the FanClub (fm:seduction, 8705 words)

Author: Thesandman Picture in profile
Added: Jan 30 2004Views / Reads: 13746 / 10026 [73%]Story vote: 9.38 (13 votes)
Chris moves in nextdoor to the craziest woman he's ever met.

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Valerie Valentine

By: Thesandman

Several years ago my wife and I moved into a quiet little community that had less than seven thousand people living there. We'd purchased a modest little home on a nicely landscaped acre that held the promise of providing plenty of room for raising a family. Unfortunately my wife contracted a serious illness, dying a year later.

It was a tough time. It would have made more sense perhaps to move and find a much smaller place. Trouble was, for what I had paid for our home, it would have been costly for me to move. And besides, I liked the neighborhood, my job...and my wacky neighbor, Valerie.

Valerie owned a home adjacent to mine; as I later learned, it was deceptively large. Easily twice the size of my own home, which I considered to be far more than even I needed, I had a difficult time understanding why someone else who also lived all alone would want a place as big as hers was. Valerie had some years back also purchased the lot connecting both properties. As such, there was a sizeable space between us, which she used to cultivate and grow a rather large flower and vegetable garden.

Though I had lived next to her for nearly two years, all that I knew ...

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