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Harmonic Convergencethis story is part of the FanClub (fm:romantic, 2023 words)

Author: Otzchiim
Added: Feb 01 2004Views / Reads: 4892 / 4007 [82%]Story vote: 9.50 (2 votes)
He knew her, but not as well as she wanted. He wanted a place to wait for an hour, but she wanted him to stay the night. She got her way.

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Otzchiim@aol.com. Codes are: MF, cans, rom


Allan Heatherton had talked to Mary Trent, certainly, and he found that he liked doing so - as she evidently liked talking to him. They had run on together a few months before, after helping a friend set up a party. Both had shown up early to help, and found that things went so well that they had a good half-hour left, more or less alone, before others showed up.

And at another party, he went out on the unheated porch to get a can of soda and found her there, and when he reached around her, Mary half-seriously backed into his arms and they kissed for a moment. She softly said, "Now you could certainly keep someone warm at night," but she pulled away laughing when he tried to put an arm around her. When she had a party herself, though, he was feeling sick; and when there was one at the house he shared with two other men he was out of town and only got home in time to see her leave.

When she moved from an apartment into a house where she was going to live with another young woman, he helped her but could not stay around much afterward. She seemed nice, and looked good, but since he knew that she was just coming off the breakup of a long relationship, he thought it better not to get too serious with her. Besides, she lived ...

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