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Best Buddiesthis story is part of the FanClub (mm:one-on-one, 2216 words)

Author: STave
Added: Feb 01 2004Views / Reads: 4850 / 3463 [71%]Story vote: 7.25 (4 votes)
What more can I say? Two guys meet and have sex. 1% out of 10 people always have fantasies about their best friends. Well, that's what I think.

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Author's note: This is one of my first stories written. It's quite short. I thought I lost this one. I wasn't able to submit it that time for I didn't think it would do well in the net. I just recently found it as I was browsing through the sent folders in my personal mailbox. Though its a typical story, (c'mon, I was only 17 when I wrote it) I thought I should submit it and see how it fairs. Besides, its hardwork and I wanted to give it its fair glory as with the rest of my gay story collection.

Thanks guys for reading my stories, especially to those who marked me as one of their favorite authors. I'm truly flattered and grateful.


"Hi it's me, Rick. Listen I can't come tonight...yeah I know...It's just that I have so much things to do...and...you do? I'm really sorry I can't come to Dan's party, I've got a deadline to beat. Tell Dan I'm really sorry...uh-huh...you'd that for me? Thanks. Listen; say Happy Birthday to Dan for me o.k. Thanks bye." I hooked the phone and went back to business. I've got to finish my column before 8 tomorrow. It was my friend's 20th birthday and he was going to hold his party at his place. That was my buddy on the phone, his name's Jeff. We live together in one apartment, that way it would be easy to pay the bills and other necessary trinkets we have to rummage in our wallets to pay for. Jeff met up with Dan a few minutes ago and they were going to pick ...

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