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white washthis story is part of the FanClub (mm:first time, 2022 words)

Author: one2many
Added: Feb 07 2004Views / Reads: 4762 / 2974 [62%]Story vote: 7.60 (5 votes)
Dougs ultimate fantasy, assfucked for the very first time buy a roomful of horny men...but he's having second thoughts...too late for doug or his ass.

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White Wash

I leaned against the rough wooden door, my breath short and tight in my chest. My mind was spinning, question after question ran through my racing mind. "Why was I here?" The question beat against my brain, time and again. My train of thought was jolted, as someone pounded on the door. "Come on out, everyone's ready." I shook my head, turned and put my back against the warm door. Slowly, as If in a daze I ran my sweating hands against my face and pondered my situation. "Come on! Lets get this thing started!" Someone shouted, from the other side of the door. Slowly gathering my composure, taking a deep breath, I grabbed the doorknob and opened the door and stepped through. My straight brain screamed, "What the hell!" The small basement was filled with ten or twelve guys, all black except the leader, a older graying man, in his early fifties. Everyone was naked, including me, slowly step by step I made my way to the center of the room and stopped. The older man walked over and put his hand on my shoulder. "You ready for this?" I slowly shook my head "yes" But my brain screamed no! "Good, lets get started." He barked as the group slowly made their way towards me. "To your knees!" the old man ordered. I felt his hands slowly push down on my shoulders, my knees slowly weakened and I sank to the carpet. His fat white cock, stood at attention as I lowered myself to the floor, I involuntarily closed my eyes as my knees made contact with the floor. I slowly opened my eyes, as he stepped forward causing his semi-hard dick, to poke me in the nose. "Suck it! You straight ...

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