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Trifectathis story is part of the FanClub (fm:one-on-one, 2702 words)

Author: MLucky
Added: Feb 12 2004Views / Reads: 1167 / 923 [79%]Story vote: 8.00 (2 votes)
Here's an old tale of three blonds in three days. I call it a blond trifecta.

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I had some nice feedback from my last tale from college, so here's another.

It was wednesday March 8. That day burned me ... a little. When Mary decided we needed to break-up I was somewhat bummed. Mary was gorgeous: blue eyes, long wavy blond hair, and her years of dancing gave her a killer body. Well, rather than sit around and sulk, I decided to take advantage of my new found freedom. I had declined a number of girls because I wasn't into cheating. But now, I was unattached.

With that, I called up my friend Laura and made plans for Friday night. I had known Laura a couple of years, having met early on our freshman year. One thing or another always seemed to keep us from getting together (mostly Mary), but we always stayed friends and the sexual tension was just under the surface. Laura was 6 feet tall, with long blond hair, even longer legs and of course, blue eyes. We always enjoyed the fact that we literally saw each other eye-to-eye and it just added to the intrigue. We decided to go dancing at one of the local clubs, which had an '80's night' every Friday. Laura admitted to me she was surprised but pleased I had asked her out. When I explained, she seemed very understanding and with a light in her eyes smiled a mischievous smile. We danced away, drinking and having fun. As was usual for me, we started grinding and grabbing each other closer. With my pelvis rubbing on her ass, my dick started growing ...

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