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A Different Sort of Educationthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:group, 4886 words) [5/5] show all parts

Author: BigGreenMonster
Added: Feb 14 2004Views / Reads: 1146 / 1037 [90%]Part vote: 0.00 (0 votes)
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"Hi, Mary Beth. You rang?" A white haired man was sitting in front of her desk. "Jenny, this is Mr. Farrell, from the Sociology Department at Florida State. He asked my permission to speak with you." "Oh, what about, Mr. Farrell?" "Miss Hastings, we have a position open in Latin Studies. It's an associate professorship, but can lead to tenure. One of our alumni has a daughter in your class, and suggested we consider you for the position. We've checked your credentials, and see his point, particularly with MB's enthusiasm for your work here. You'll have to come and interview, but we would like an expression of your interest before it becomes public that we're going outside the school's faculty."

"Do you mind my asking who the alumnus is?" "Mr. William James." "Gee, I've never even met him." "I gather his daughter is enthusiastic. Bill said any teacher who can get her interested in school has to be a magician." "Mr. Farrell, there's a lot happening to Christy, and maybe I'm just at the right time and place." "Your record is good, Jenny. May I call you Jenny? We don't suggest this idly. I've made a tentative date for the two interviews you need for next week. Call me if you want to pursue it." He rose. "We have a growing Latin student population,and you'd be surprised at how rare both practical and academic qualifications in latin culture are. I hope you'll choose to join us." He took her hand. "Until Monday."

After he left, Jenny said to Mary Beth "Jeez, wanna get rid of me, huh." ...

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