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Bangkok or Bustthis story is part of the FanClub (mm:group, 11344 words)

Author: Jackson Dunn
Added: Jul 17 2000Views / Reads: 1680 / 1424 [85%]Story vote: 9.00 (4 votes)
A holiday to an exotic land lives up to the promise that it offered. Two guys have the time of their lives in the City of Angels and become good mates to boot.

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Bangkok or Bust

by Jackson Dunn

The terminal was congested with people. I was catching an international flight to Bangkok and it was peak hour. Queued up waiting for a luggage check in and seat allocation, I was expecting it to take forever.

There was another gent in line behind me and to pass the time I asked him where he was heading.

"Bangkok," he replied.

"How'd you be, same destination as myself. Holiday or business," I inquired.

"Just for some relaxation," he answered.

"Where will you be staying?" I probed.

"At the Blue Billabong," he responded nonchalantly.

"Oh, yeah, I think I've heard of that. Isn't that run by an Aussie," I improvised having some recollection of the name.


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