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The four of usthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:swingers, 1629 words) [5/5] show all parts

Author: Weedy
Added: Feb 16 2004Views / Reads: 1199 / 783 [65%]Part vote: 10.00 (1 vote)
Joy and Sherry get their husbands to join in !!

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Joy and Sherry get Stan and Walt to join in !!  

 A month after Sherry and I had our session with each other she called me and invited Stan and I over for dinner and drinks, Sherry told me to wear what I had wore the last time and she would wear the same, laughingly I asked her if this meant what I thought it mean? Sherry said remember the last thing we talked about? and I said yes I remember, Sherry then said that she had talked to Walt about it and he seemed to be rather excited about seeing us making love to each other, I then told her to say no more as I wanted to fantasize about what we can do tonight. Sherry said she would do it also and maybe we can come up with some exciting sex, Sherry said see you tonight and hung up.  

When Stan got home from work I had a drink waiting for him and we sat in the living room and I told him about the call from Sherry, he asked me if Sherry and I were really going to make love to each other? and I told him maybe it all depends on what transpires after dinner. so after kissing Stan, with a lot of tongue, I went to take my shower and get ready, Stan came into the bathroom with me and as I undressed and turned the shower on, he took his clothes off and came in with me,  we washed each others bodies and I took an extra long time with his cock and as I rinsed it off he shot a load of cum into my hand, I was glad he came then as maybe he would take longer to cum after dinner.

When we were ready we went over to Sherrys and Walts house and were ...

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