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Neighborhood Watch - 1this story is part of the FanClub (fm:group, 2051 words)

Author: sex4u
Added: Feb 19 2004Views / Reads: 3411 / 2809 [82%]Story vote: 7.91 (11 votes)
Ralph joins a watch group and sees a lot

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"How in the hell did I get myself into this shitty mess." Ralph thought to himself.

He was sitting in the midst of about thirty to thirty five people listing to a bald, fat guy talk about the duties of the neighborhood watch committee they were a part of. Over half were in their 60's or older, the rest around his age of forty three.

Ralph had joined this group as a way to get acquainted in the area. It gave him something to do for four hours, one night a week. He had moved here to escape the cold north and a much colder marriage. He bought a house here from a friend whose parents had died and not wanting to deal with a place so far away let it go cheap, furnishings and all.

The speaker droned on about their duties. Patrolling the area, watching for strangers, fires, speeders, drunk drivers or anything that was wrong and reporting it to the local police. He went on telling them that they were the first line of defense to their neighborhood. This man, his name was Allen Frost, went on and on about all kinds of stuff.

Ralph dosed off. A slight nudge to his side woke him. "Hay, wake up." A man sitting next to him said. "I know he drones quite a bit, this will ...

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