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Jodi's Boyfriend Learns a Lessonthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:female domination, 3402 words) [3/3] show all parts

Author: tulecho
Added: Feb 22 2004Views / Reads: 1119 / 861 [77%]Part vote: 8.00 (2 votes)
Jodi's boyfriend gets too comfortable and needs to stop taking her for granted so she turns her vanilla relationship upside down.

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Zabe was lazily lounging around his small apartment watching football. He was looking forward to another weekend with Jodi. What a great relationship. She called him and left sexy messages, came over and spent one or two nights with him and best of all went back to her own apartment and business. She was great company for a short period of time. Certainly a very sexy lady. Too good to be true or last. Relationships like this don't exist for any length of time. Eventually one of the partners desires to make it permanent and that is when the glow dulls. The near future had no such plans brewing so he continued to enjoy the game knowing that his cock would be getting a major workout all weekend. He enjoyed cooking and had made it part of their weekly ritual. A fabulous meal usually started their weekend. They were both very conscious of their weight and physical condition so each meal was appealing and healthy. He rose from the couch to check on dinner just as Jodi let herself in with her own key. They embraced and a long kiss started the weekend off. Jodi loved to kiss and they nibbled , kissed and fondled each other for quite a long time, before coming up for air.

" I took Tony to Jackie's house this afternoon" Jodi said as she bit his lower lip.

" And, what happened?" Zabe asked as he responded with a hard kiss on the mouth.


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