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Changing Lifestylesthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:adultery, 7248 words)

Author: Ole Reb
Added: Feb 24 2004Views / Reads: 6531 / 5624 [86%]Story vote: 8.63 (19 votes)
My wife got invited to a "wives club" meeting. She got more than she expected.

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Changing Lifestyles

By: Ole Reb

I was in the Air Force and we had been married for five years when all of what I am about to relate came into being. I was a Captain and flew C-130's out of Pope AFB, North Carolina. Every five weeks, I had to stand cockpit alert for the alert regiment at Fort Bragg. We'd sit in the aircraft, four hours on and four hours off for twenty four hours, then go back into the bunker for another day. That went on for a whole week. We weren't allowed to have any outside contact during that time...and if we had any problems....we could change our alert time with somebody else to take care of the problems. That way we had nothing to bother us except the mission which could pop up at a moments notice. The computer held flight plans to damn near anywhere in the world and at the touch of a few keys, the route, current weather, both enroute and at our destintion would spew out of the high speed printers, be collated and be ready for the pilots in the cockpits. By the time the regiment was loaded, we were ready to roll.

Jenny, my wife of five years was a very beautiful young woman. She was about 5'4" tall and weighed in at around 115 lbs. She had blonde hair, blue eyes, a fine curvacous body and a pair of 36C knockers. We were really into sex and these week long alerts really fucked up our daily, sometimes more, daily dalliances. We managed though. At least I ...

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