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Unexpected Visit!this story is part of the FanClub (ff:one-on-one, 2524 words)

Author: Jj Darling
Added: Feb 25 2004Views / Reads: 14995 / 5742 [38%]Story vote: 8.80 (5 votes)
One afternoon when I was getting ready for a date, I had an unexpected visitor come calling that got much more than she bargained for!

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Unexpected Visit!

I was just about to leave for a date when my front door bell rings. I open the door and you walk in. You look at me and smile. As you gaze at me, you notice I'm wearing something low cut and sexy that zipped down the front. You smile as your eyes move downward, noticing I've got on a very short skirt and some high-heeled black pumps. Very sexy you think to yourself! God I wish she was all mine! I lean into you as you walk through the door and quietly whisper, "What a nice surprise!"

I smile back at you as I move to close the door. My hair is down and loose, that wild untamed look you love... I close it and grab you from behind around your waist, kissing the back of your neck. I reach around with my hands and put them over the tops of your breasts. I notice you have on a white cotton button-down and those torn jeans I love. I could feel your skin beneath the cotton and the fact that you weren't wearing a bra allowed me to feel every inch of your round little nipples. They turn hard the minute I touch you. I pull you close to me and feel our bodies touch as you back into me.

I nibble on your neck and then trace the curve up to your ear. I encircle the outside of your lobe as you shiver and let out a little laugh. I tickle the inside of your ear lobe and completely explore the insides with my tongue for a few minutes. You sink even more into me as I roll your nipples between my fingertips. You let out a soft moan and ...

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