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Fun in flyover landthis story is part of the FanClub (mm:group, 1796 words)

Author: jojack2 Picture in profile
Added: Feb 26 2004Views / Reads: 7113 / 3997 [56%]Story vote: 8.67 (6 votes)
Story of a group of guys I get with from time to time for fun.. mostly true

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Today is a day like any other here in "fly over land". It's February and it's cold and miserable but spring will be here soon and things will be much better weather wise. People go about their lives and do the best they can. Here in fly over land there is a small group of guys that get together and help pass the cold winter days and make the summer days more exciting. As it happens these guys are all married between 36 and 46 years old and have become good friends in a short time. They find themselves in very similar situations personally and professionally. Married, kids, house, white picket fence types, middle and upper management guys, guy next-door buddy types. The other thing they share is a strong urge to suck cock and have man sex with other masculine like-minded men.

This is a story not completely fiction but not entirely true either. The names (or at least some of them) have been changed to protect this band of merry men and the fun they have.

When Jack got to work that morning it was Monday in every since of the word. If it could go wrong it had. Why don't people just listen, and do what they are told it sure would make my life simpler, he thought to himself as he yet again tried to untangle the mess they had made of the computer system when he was out on Friday afternoon. One thing he was glad of was that they had not called then it certainly would have made for some interesting conversation and background noise. Jack thought back to the "meeting" he was having, that he always had every other ...

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