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Anniversary Analthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:anal sex, 3444 words)

Author: Marc
Added: Feb 27 2004Views / Reads: 8168 / 6412 [79%]Story vote: 9.17 (12 votes)
Marie and Marc celebrate their anniversary with sex, the way she likes it the most

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Anniversary Anal

Copyright 2004 by Marc_P@themail.com No printing or duplication or reposting without the express permission of the author.

It had been a great day, their anniversary. The kids were at the grand parents, the dinner and dancing had been marvelous. They had gone upstairs and changed into their robes, Marie wearing a long white silk robe that showed her nipples exquisitely pressing against the material, Showing that she wasn't wearing anything under it. Marie felt the gentle buzz of the nightcap, her fourth drink that night, enjoying the stereo in the bedroom. She was fully relaxed, almost languid, but now together they would celebrate their anniversary in the way that pleased her the most.

The met in the middle of the bed and toasted their marriage, the time together and the pleasure each had brought each other. The came together and kissed, then again and again until they could both feel the warmth rise within them. Marc kissed her and moved his hand to her breast, rubbing it through the robe. "Tell me how I can please you tonight?" he offered. They kissed again with passion, she looked deeply into his eyes and said, "I want you to make me feel so full tonight." He kissed her deeply, knowing that only one thing in the world made her feel that way, knowing that she would reach tremendous passion tonight, and that the pleasure would be his as well as hers. ...

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