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Amber's Suntanthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:voyeurism, 1155 words)

Author: Jack's Place Picture in profile
Added: Feb 28 2004Views / Reads: 10210 / 8581 [84%]Story vote: 8.25 (8 votes)
Amber suns herself at my pool when we're not home. What else goes on?

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Amber's Suntan

My friend Amber called to ask if she could use the pool. My wife and I are at work all day and have told her she could use it anytime she wants. Amber had the day off and wanted to work on her tan. I told her to enjoy herself and that the back gate would be left unlocked for her.

Off to work went Heather. I followed her out the door, watching her ass swish beneath her skirt. Instead of my wife's beautiful rear, I had another long, busy day ahead of me. The morning raced by and before I knew it, it was lunchtime. My buddy Steve asked me if I wanted to get a bite. We usually grabbed lunch on the fly together as our schedules were similar. Just about the time I was agreeing to go get a sandwich with Steve, I flashed on a mental image of Amber by the pool.

"Sorry Steve, I've got a few errands to run today." I quickly decided that lunch could wait. I raced home to see if Amber was there and sure enough, her bright green sports car was sitting in front of my house. I parked in front, and eased into the front door, closing it softly behind me. I wondered what type of swimming suit she would be wearing. I always picture her in the 1 piece tank suit that she wears when she comes over to swim with Heather and me. Would she have that on for sunning? Walking quickly and quietly, I went to the window that has a good view of the pool and peeked out. Amber was stretched out on a ...

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