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Double Your Pleasurethis story is part of the FanClub (bi:threesomes, 2737 words)

Author: Larry and Laura
Added: Mar 08 2004Views / Reads: 3035 / 2481 [82%]Story vote: 8.83 (6 votes)
Laura gets her first double-penetration fuck.

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By Larry and Laura

Ever since I saw my first double-penetration fuck in a porno flick, my favorite fantasy has been to perform that act on my lovely wife Laura. When I broached the subject, she laughed and said that she would think about it. Months passed and nothing happened. I reminded Laura of my desires as often as possible, but she just smiled and said, "We'll see." On several occasions, we even went so far as to discuss how we would get the extra man. My pretty wife can have her pick of men, so a trip to a singles bar would solve that problem within minutes.

As my fortieth birthday approached, Laura told me that she had the perfect birthday present for me. "It's that sex thing you want me to do," she said. She had even made arrangements for the extra man. I normally masturbate every day, sometimes in Laura's presence, but for the next three days, I abstained from my favorite pastime. I wanted to be as horny as possible.

The big day finally arrived. Our extra man was a young fellow who had been recently hired by Laura's company. In fact, she was his supervisor. He had been hitting on her from the start, even though she was old enough to be his mother, so he seemed like the perfect choice. We would satisfy two fantasies at once, mine for a double-penetration, ...

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