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BimboDrops: Part 4this story is part of the FanClub (fm:other, 2263 words) [4/5] show all parts

Author: The Sympathetic Devil
Added: Mar 13 2004Views / Reads: 1877 / 1642 [87%]Part vote: 9.00 (2 votes)
Carlos has used BimboDrops to turn Nica into his cock-hungry lover. But can he keep her?

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Author's note: Given the title, it should come as no surprise that this story is vulgar and misogynistic. If you're still reading it 4 chapters in, you must like it, so sending anonymous, outraged e-mail is kind of silly, now, isn't it? All mail is appreciated, though.

BimboDrops: A tale of BimboTech Inc. Chapter 4 by The Sympathetic Devil

Carlos dialed the international number and waited for his call to go through. After a long time, someone answered.

"Hi!" came a bubbly voice on the other end. "You've reached BimboTech Incorporated! My name's Tittiefuck. How can I direct your call?"

"Uh, this is Carlos Bodega," Carlos explained. "I need to talk to customer service."

The person on the other end giggled.

"I service customers all the time!" she said. "I like it best when they are here and they can cum on my titties, but I can talk dirty to you on the phone if you can't come here right now."

Carlos blinked. He was hardly in any need of phone sex. Nica hadn't been able to get enough of him for the past 3 days. It was incredible, ...

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