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Smile and Rememberthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:romantic, 2961 words)

Author: Thesandman Picture in profile
Added: Mar 16 2004Views / Reads: 1018 / 710 [70%]Story vote: 9.80 (5 votes)
He shares a lifetime of memories within a single moment in time.

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Smile and Remember

By: Thesandman

It was the sound of her contented sigh that woke me.

Sleepily, I opened my eyes to the first faint rays of the morning sunlight attempting to peek through the still drawn curtains. There was just enough light filtering through the top of the window where the curtains failed to cloak the room into darkness, already chasing away the night with a promise of a new day. But a day I neither wanted to begin, nor end.

She was still lying on her side facing towards me. Her eyes closed, still in sleep, perhaps dreaming, hopefully so.

Only then did I notice my hand was still held within hers as I lay on my side facing towards her. Still firmly, yet comfortably entwined, my hand rested snuggly within hers, both trapped between her legs where the warmth of her femininity reminded me of the sweetness of that last explosive encounter.

We'd known one another for years. But in all that time we had never once spent the entire night together. We had spoken of doing so more often than not. But both circumstance and scheduling had never ...

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