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My Walkthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:threesomes, 4437 words)

Author: shire
Added: Jul 19 2000Views / Reads: 6761 / 6211 [92%]Story vote: 8.80 (5 votes)
Chris takes a liesurely walk one afternoon and runs into a very friendly girl and her mother.

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My Walk

It hadn’t been a very warm summer, pretty windy and cloudy most of the time. Dead leaves that hadn’t been caught in the spring cleanup were frequently lifted up by the wind making it seem more like fall. It was the summer of 1992, and I was eighteen. I was staying at Silver Lake with my parents, a pretty small lake but big enough to ski on. There was a youth camp right on the water that I had attended at about the age of 12, and I thought I would take a walk in that direction one afternoon just to see if anything jogged my memory. I had no idea what I was about to run into.

I was barefoot, which was a really dumb idea as the small rocks and pine needles on the street were punishing my feet. I decided to walk on the fringe of the lawns to protect my pads when a pine needle lodged into the middle of my foot. “Son of a bitch,” I groaned to myself and I sat down on the lawn to remove the thing. As I inspected my foot a car pulled into the driveway of the cottage I sat in front of. I looked up and saw a girl behind the wheel, cute too, to make matters worse. I felt like a total idiot, holding my foot up to my face in her yard. I must look like a wandering retarded kid, I thought. She parked the car and got out. She must have been about eighteen. She had blond hair, tied back in a ponytail and she was wearing a white tank top and white, pleated tennis skirt. “Are you okay?” She asked me as she opened the back door and got out her racket. Probably to pummel me with in case ...

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