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Life Class 17 - Body Paintthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:threesomes, 4183 words) [17/17] show all parts

Author: H.L. Berry Picture in profile
Added: Mar 18 2004Views / Reads: 1120 / 900 [80%]Part vote: 10.00 (1 vote)
Claire goes to a rag week party in a highly unusual outfit, and one of her friends takes an interest. You don't need to have read the rest of Life Class to enjoy this!

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It was rag week at the college, a wonderful time of year when almost anything goes, and the evenings are filled with parties. They were all fun, but the most eagerly awaited of all was a themed evening called ‘What were you wearing when the ship went down?' The possibilities were endless, of course, but what happened in general was one of two extremes. People would either turn up in full evening dress, black tie and formal gowns, or in slinky and seductive nightwear, teddies, stockings and suspenders, that sort of thing. The latter outfits were the most popular with the guys, needless to say, but the overall effect of mixing near nudity with starched formality was always a treat.

Claire had gone out for the day. Ostensibly she was modelling privately for Jane again, but she'd promised to get back with a truly stupendous outfit for the evening's festivities. I'd hired a white tuxedo with all the trimmings and was feeling very dapper when she knocked at my door.

"Come in!" I shouted. The handle turned and in she stepped. My mouth dropped open. She was wearing the tightest, clingiest outfit I had ever seen. A beautifully ornate bra top revealed her flat stomach and navel piercing, whilst black trousers with just a hint of sheen clung tightly to her hips and long legs. They stopped just short of her ankles, and high stilettos completed a stunning picture.

"Well, what do you think?" she asked, giving me a twirl with a ...

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