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Matt and Kimthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:adultery, 4419 words)

Author: angeleyes Picture in profile
Added: Mar 29 2004Views / Reads: 2045 / 1626 [80%]Story vote: 8.89 (9 votes)
A womans seduction by her internet lover.

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Matt and Kim

After Tony left for work, Kim turned on her computer, checking out erotic story sites that she had been visiting for the past months. She would read various types of stories and if one really turned her on on, she would often masturbate to a climax in front of the her computer. Lately - when she was really frustrated and horny, she had taken to removing her panties so she could access herself more easily.

A couple of months ago she'd read a story that she really liked and for whatever reason, did something she had never even considered doing before. E-mailing the author, telling him how much she had liked the story. They continued to exchange e-mails almost daily. Nothing out of line, but Kim felt this was a safe, exciting way to ‘dally' with another man. He was a long way off and besides, he didn't even know her last name or where she lived.

Kim opened up her e-mail and saw from her correspondence, Matthew, hadwritten again. He apologized for not writing for a day or so, but explained that he was getting ready for a business trip to Minneapolis, and would be there for about a week, leaving the day after tomorrow. As a result he wouldn't be able to respond to her e-mail as quickly as he normally would.

Kim sat there in a daze for a few minutes. Here was her chance to have a ...

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