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Trina's time with Darrenthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:male domination, 5262 words) [1/5] show all parts

Author: Mandykute
Added: Mar 30 2004Views / Reads: 1302 / 1102 [85%]Part vote: 7.86 (7 votes)
Trina is in search of a new man and meets Darren online. from their first date, she knows that this is going to be the start of something beautiful. Some toys, blow jobs, masturbation, and sex

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It had been years since I had gone online to chat with people, but tonight I found myself getting online in search of a new man. Nearly 3 months ago the man of my dreams had broken my heart. I was finally to the point where I thought that I was ready for a new relationship. I had gone a few casual dates, but nothing that had excited me to much. So I figured what the hell I might as well try online, all I can do is meet some new people and perhaps have some fun doing it.

I decided to start out in a public room that had no specific topic and no specific age. I needed to get into the swing of things before I ventured into the other chat rooms. I guess I was lucky, because the first room I came across had only 12 people in it and the majority of the people were men. They did a room check of age and sex and luckily enough there were people my age. One of the people did seem to intrigue me just a little bit and he went by the name BigD1969. After chatting in the room for nearly an hour and seeming to connect to a few of the guys, BigD1969 asked me to join him in a private chat room. I thought to myself, well it can't hurt. So off we went to our own little place in the world.

Once in the chat room I felt so comfortable chatting with him that I was amazed that I could find someone so kind and nice on the internet the first time around. The big question was where did he live and was he interested maybe talking on the phone sometime. I felt like I was rushing things, but I just could not believe how much I wanted to know ...

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