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air force buddiesthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:threesomes, 1345 words)

Author: potent Picture in profile
Added: Apr 01 2004Views / Reads: 10648 / 9148 [86%]Story vote: 8.00 (9 votes)
Dave pulled his still rock-hard pole out of my mouth, and then fucked Cindy doggy-style while I lay under her sucking his heavy balls as he pounded her tight pussy and Cindy ate my pussy. Soon he climaxed again

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Stan, my husband, and I recently moved to this area and occasionally we meet some of his old Air Force buddies who get stationed at one of the air-bases nearby. Stan used to be a pilot in the Air Force before he became an airline pilot. Recently, we had a really fun experience with one of Stan's old Air Force buddies, Dave, who was being transferred to this area.

Dave and Stan used to bet on Who would be the first to pick up a girl at a bar. They had fucked their way through Europe during their tour of duty, picking up some of the best looking girls there, playing this game. According to Stan, however, Dave seldom won because he would get tongue-tied and flub his 'pick-up lines' when he met a really pretty girl.

Apparently, Dave never got his technique down well enough to get married, so Stan and I arranged to have my sister, Cindy, come along with us as a blind date for Dave. But we thought it might be fun to play a game with him. Stan told Dave he would meet him at a bar near the base where they might be able to pick up some girls. He didn't tell him about being married. Stan then showed Cindy and I a picture of Dave so that we could recognize him. Then we would pretend to be pick-up's ...

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