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Trina's morning at Darren'sthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:male domination, 1895 words) [2/5] show all parts

Author: Mandykute
Added: Apr 04 2004Views / Reads: 901 / 746 [83%]Part vote: 9.00 (2 votes)
Trina awakes after a night she will never forget, only to have the start to an interesting day.

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I woke up in a state of confusion. I was not sure where I really was and what I was doing there. It only took me a few moments before I remember that I was at Darren's house. I looked around only to find that Darren was not around and that I was left alone in bed naked. Slowly a smile crept across my face and I was glad to know that I had not dreamed the whole experience last night. I figured I should probably get up and attempt to look presentable for Darren, as he was my new master.

As I rolled out of bed I was shocked at the beautiful scenery before me. The bedroom overlooked a large back yard secluded in trees. Just off the back of the house was a huge swimming pool, with what appeared to be a hot tub off to one end of the pool. The backyard managed to go right out to a private beach. The view of both Puget Sound and the Olympic Mountains were unbelievable.

I felt a little awkward walking around the bedroom naked in front of the windows that faced the water, but figured that we were far enough in from the water that they could not see me standing in the window. I decided first thing I need to do was to take a shower and manage to find some clothes that I had brought with me. I turned on the water to the shower and let it start running the right temperature. I continued to look out the windows as I waited for my shower to finally be ready. I walked into the shower and shut the door behind me. First I ran my hair under the shower and the water slowly poured over my naked body. ...

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