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Lucky in Montana VIthis story is part of the FanClub (mm:romantic, 2680 words) [6/13] show all parts

Author: Shakes
Added: Apr 07 2004Views / Reads: 726 / 515 [71%]Part vote: 9.00 (1 vote)
A romantic story set back in the days of guns and horses.

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Here we go again folks. Sorry it's taken so long to trudge out these chapters...I'm slightly short of both time and inspiration lately (it seems to be a common thing these days). Feel free to write with your thoughts and comments (always happily accepted) at shakes003@hotmail.com, or join my fits page: greatest-fits-subscribe@yahoogroups.com . Everyone take care & be well, and enjoy the spring!


It was light outside when I found the strength to finally manage to pry my eyes open. The air was crisp and sent a chill down my spine. My head felt foggy as I tried to focus on a large form that was blocking the sunlight. The shadow was drawing nearer to me until it stood over me. I struggled to focus my eyes, afraid of what towered over me. When my eyes failed, I frantically rolled away from the shadow and paid the price.

My body seized in pain—every muscle in my body was corded in some sort of vice-like grip. My strangled cry ripped through the peaceful calm surrounding the morning. The shadow crawled even closer and surrounded me, until finally I felt a warm rush of air blow against my neck. I turned my head slowly and was greeted with the familiar muzzle of Kabaya. I sighed in relief.


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