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The baththis story is part of the FanClub (fm:romantic, 1551 words)

Author: potent Picture in profile
Added: Apr 07 2004Views / Reads: 919 / 638 [69%]Story vote: 7.00 (1 vote)
I looked down at her and she looked up at me with my cock buried between her lips.

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We had been to the mall just to relax and so that Kari could do a little shopping she wanted to do. She likes to go to Victoria's Secret and surprise me with something once in a while. I like to just walk for the exercise inside the warmth of the mall. I sat and waited for her in a little cafe in the mall, drinking hot spiced cider. After she returned, we walked around the mall for a while before having dinner at a very nice steak house in the mall. I sat and just enjoyed looking at her and her bright, smiling eyes as we enjoyed an excellent wine with our meal. Her eyes sparkled at me in the candle-light and she smiled as she caught me looking at her beautiful full braless breasts in the low cut blouse she wore. We were enjoying the meal, in an almost decadent manner, but not quite in the style of the "Tom Jones" movie.............

We talked and laughed, enjoying the respite of a day off and the pleasures of a good meal and good company. We ended the meal with a couple of Crepes Suzette that lit up her face when they were flamed.

We finally left and walked home. The snow was fresh and pretty, sparkling in the light of the street lamps. We laughed and joked all the way home, like kids, our breath crystalizing in the cold.

Because it had been cold today, I was tired, and my joints ached, so I decided to take a nice hot, bubble bath and just soak in the warmth. I had turned on the stereo and was listening to some soft piano music. I ...

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