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One Hot Mommathis story is part of the FanClub (fm:group, 2919 words)

Author: nodakpaul
Added: Apr 09 2004Views / Reads: 9010 / 7099 [79%]Story vote: 8.91 (11 votes)
My wife gives me a fantasy cum true, I get to watch her with two guys, fucking and sucking, and then she fucks me!

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One Hot Momma!

My baby called me at work and told me that we were going to have company for dinner that evening, and that I should pick up some wine and she would take care of everything else. I asked her who was coming and she said it's a surprise, I'll find out soon enough. Well she isn't usually this cryptic with me, so she really had my curiosity going, I couldn't imagine what she might have planned.

I love my baby very much; she is beautiful, 5'5" or so, with a wonderful figure, she has long legs and breasts made for sucking, with a to-die-for ass. She has blonde hair, shoulder length that she likes to wear in a French twist, and blue eyes. She also has the most charming southern accent you could ever imagine. You would swear that honey must be dripping from her tongue with every word. A cute nose and a lovely face, all make up a complete package, my one hot momma.

We have often talked of fantasies that we have, my favorite fantasy is to watch her with another man. I've told her about it numerous times, and she has told me that she is curious about what it would be like too. It has made for some hot nights of passion. A couple of weeks ago she asked me if I was really serious about watching her with another man. I told her that I was, in fact since she offered I'd love to watch her with two men! I had said it jokingly, and I hadn't thought much more about it. We had made passionate love that night and I couldn't ...

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