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The Windowthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:masturbation, 1832 words)

Author: PoisynAngel Picture in profile
Added: Apr 20 2004Views / Reads: 1913 / 1340 [70%]Story vote: 9.07 (14 votes)
Late night leaves open window for woman to spy on neighbor and share in a personal private moment.

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I lay in the dark, staring at the ceiling unable to fall asleep. The ceiling fan above me a hushed whir blowing a cursory breeze over my sweaty body. I tossed and turned in my bed for about an hour when I noticed the light come on across the alley. I watched curiously for a moment to see who came into the room.

He was tall, fresh out of a shower his damp hair appeared very dark which blended nicely with his deep tan. He had a swimmer's body, lean but very tone. Immediately I was attracted to this mysterious neighbor. I stretched languorously and curled up on my side to watch this man as he went about his nightly actions.

I watched him as he towel dried his hair, the towel at his waist slipping a little, exposing a lighter shade of skin around his hips. I smiled to myself feeling a bit naughty about watching him. I had every intention of turning over and letting the man have his privacy but I was entranced by the powerful display of masculinity. He sat down on the bed and stretched up to yawn, his body flexing showing his defined muscle.

I felt warmer now, kicking the sheet off the rest of my body. I lay there propped up on my arm my other hand lightly grazing my thigh as I continued to watch him get ready for bed. I wondered for a moment if he were going to put on pajamas as he walked toward a large bureau. I watched him with his back to me, again admiring the strong movement of ...

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