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A Night In the Sexual Oasisthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:one-on-one, 1718 words)

Author: Delia34
Added: Apr 22 2004Views / Reads: 2043 / 703 [34%]Story vote: 8.40 (5 votes)
A story from my college years. Enjoy!

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I'm laying on the floor in your living room, barely awake and staring at the television. Millie, your dog, is laying next to me. My eyelids flutter and I fall asleep for a minute, my breathing slow and steady. No one is in the house except you and I, a lucky night when no one but us is crashing at the house. You peek out into the living room, to make sure I'm sleeping.

Little do I know, you are planning a surprise for me. In the back bedroom, you have created an oasis of lovemaking. Soft, red lighting filters through scarves draped over lamps, and a filmy white canopy falls elegantly over the queen-size bed and encompasses the entire thing. The sheets are cream-colored silk and are scattered with dark red, pink, white, and yellow rose petals, fragrant with freshness and glistening slightly against the light. Several types of edible massage oils are lined up on the bed stand, along with some silk scarves, a fluffy ostrich feather, and a small, but powerful, vibrator. Tall vanilla candles in high candelabras throw even more romantic light into the room.

You arrange the last of the petals on the bed and sneak slowly out to where I lay prone in slumber. Kneeling next to me and pushing the dog gently away, you slide your soft fingers over my lips, before kissing me lightly. My sleep is fitful, but it holds, so you try something more drastic to wake me. With tender digits, your left hand slides down my side and over my many beautiful curves, while your right hand ...

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