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An Officer of the Law, and Lovethis story is part of the FanClub (fm:romantic, 3577 words)

Author: ValleyGoddess
Added: Apr 27 2004Views / Reads: 855 / 636 [74%]Story vote: 5.00 (1 vote)
A college student reflects on her fantasies of the university police officer who came to her rescue, came to be her angel, and became the object of her heartfelt desires. He is a hero to this woman, and he doesn't know of her love for him.

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Perhaps it's the uniform. Maybe the deep chocolate eyes. It could be that salt and pepper mustache. Or it is the simple fact that in my time of crisis and need, he was there for me, and I haven't been able to stop thinking about him. The night he went from an officer to my angel was almost 5 years ago, and yet my desire for him is as strong as if we had met yesterday. I was just getting a drink from the machine in the gymnasium of my college, when suddenly, I was attacked from behind. A stranger tried to [censored] me, ripping at my clothes, tearing my bra, and drawing blood from my shoulder. I hit and kicked and fought him off. The last I saw was a blur of red as he ran from the room. I was left bleeding, panicked, and clutching what remained of my clothes. I ran to the only place where I knew there were people. A late night basketball game was still going on in the main gym. I remember total strangers putting a t-shirt on me, to cover my near naked torso. Someone called campus police, and there he was. I'd known Officer D. (as we want to keep this discreet) for a couple of years, only in passing on campus and through various events. I was active in student government and the community, and he was a popular cop on my campus.

He approached me as I sat on a gym bench, still clutching my shoulder, shaking a bit still. My heart was slowing down from its frantic pace, and I was able to think a little more clearly. He asked if I'd go with him. I thanked whoever put their shirt on me and went with Officer D. (Let's just call him D. for short). He took me in his squad car back to the campus police station and escorted me into an office. He asked if I ...

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