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Flowers For Annathis story is part of the FanClub (fm:sex at work, 1467 words)

Author: Desired1
Added: May 05 2004Views / Reads: 2975 / 2324 [78%]Story vote: 7.82 (11 votes)
Every time I see Daren pass my office door with a snide comment, I just want to hit him with my paper weight or go have my way with him in the broom closet.

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Every time I see Daren pass my office door with a snide comment, I just want to hit him with my paper weight or go have my way with him in the broom closet.

He likes to find all my faults and thrive from them. Mocking me. Oh I get so angry with him, but as soon as I have had enough and he can tell I have had a horrible day he sends me flowers.

My Anna, Roses are red Violets are blue These flowers smell And so do you. Love Daren

I throw the card on my desk. I see him standing in the door way.

"I got you to smile."

"Yes. Yes you did. Thank you."

Walking in he closes the door behind him and I hear him turn the lock.

"You know it's late. Shouldn't you be at home alone, in your big bath robe?"

"You know I've had just about enough of your teasing." He walks closer to me. I can see his tall form in the dim lights. His royal blue eyes glitter behind his jet black hair. I turn away from him. I know if I ...

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