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Caitlyn's New Experiences-Part 2this story is part of the FanClub (fm:group, 1989 words) [2/3] show all parts

Author: marissa
Added: May 09 2004Views / Reads: 2821 / 2294 [81%]Part vote: 8.00 (6 votes)
Caitlyn is now at the mercy of Jim and is considered to be his slut. Jim's friend comes over for dinner and Caitlyn is asked to join them.

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Caitlyn's New Experiences—Part 2

[To continue from part one. The story left off when Jim had just got done giving Caitlyn the fucking of her life. He let his cum run down the cheeks of her ass and her sweet little pussy lips.]

Caitlyn lays motionless on her bed as Jim begins dressing. Jim tells her that if she wishes to stay comfortably in the flat then she must obey to his wants. Caitlyn is starting to think about what has happened and tells Jim she is sorry for what has happened she doesn't know what had come over her and promises it won't happen again. Jim laughs as he leaves the room to head back to his flat.

Caitlyn wakes the next morning, thinking of last nights events and believes it was all to be a dream. She says to herself there be no way something like that happened. My sexual desires just took a toll on me and everything is normal again.

Classes were to start in a few days and Caitlyn needed to get a few more supplies still but she felt no motivation to want to do anything. She went down to find Jim and see if the cook could bring her something up to eat. He smiled as she walked in the office and asked if she had slept well. She nodded her head yes and he said that was good, after all the exhaustion she had endured she needed to rest today. She felt a bit blushed when she realized that last night had indeed happened. She ...

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