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Birthday Foreplaythis story is part of the FanClub (fm:romantic, 2218 words)

Author: RPSuch
Added: May 09 2004Views / Reads: 1185 / 929 [78%]Story vote: 8.62 (8 votes)
Husband promises a special birthday.

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We had just gotten into bed, exhausted. It was not especially different from most other days. We both worked. We shared the tasks of getting our 3 and 5-year-old daughters to and from daycare. The house had to be taken care of. Meals had to be made and cleaned up. We had to go shopping to have meals at all. The kids were growing so fast they constantly needed new clothing. When Barney or Elmo came to town, we took them. And that's just the "A" list. It was a miracle we were only exhausted and not comatose.

"You know," said Paul, "there is this thing we used to do, I don't know if you remember it, it's called sex."

He had a point. Our love life was on life support.

"So, I was thinking that on your birthday, I would treat you to an entire day of foreplay and we'll see where that leads."

"Let me get this straight, big spender, you're going to spend all day Saturday arousing me so that by Saturday night I'll let you do whatever you want? Whose present is this?"

"If it requires me to have sex with you to please you, I'm willing to make the sacrifice."

"What did I do to deserve such a husband." ...

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